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15 SRM | 56 +/- I.B.U.s | 5.6% ABV

This recipe does not include brewers yeast. We suggest Safale S-04 or White Labs WLP007
English India Pale Ale originated as a mistreated ale that traveled the great distances to the Indian portion of the Empire by ship, always in oak barrels and always in for a bumpy ride. It was well-protected, though, by a natural preservative; massive amounts of hops. This ale is a stronger version of a Bitter, designed to ferment during its lengthy journey. One would think any malt would remain undetected, buried beneath the elephantine hop bitterness, but a faint hint of malty sweetness emerges at times, bringing with it the characteristic oaken flavors. The nose is dominated by the spicy/woody hops combination, with a vague estery quality. The carbonation and head retention are in accordance with Pale Ale.

In the style of: Grant’s IPA, Ballantine’s Old IPA