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IRISH RED SKU: AC-AD-IR Price: $32.49
16 SRM | 23 +/- I.B.U.s | 4.8% ABV

This recipe does not include brewers yeast. We suggest Danstar Windsor or White Labs WLP004
True Irish ales with ruby red color are few and far between today, as the success of stout in Ireland has nearly doomed the style. Although Coors produces a similar beer called Killian’s Red, it is fermented with a lager yeast at warmer than normal temperatures, and it has a lesser degree of character than the original ale style. Our true Irish Red has a roasted maltiness and color that comes from the use of roasted barley. Hops are present, but do not diminish the malty, buttery sweetness that accompany the ale’s natural fruity esters. It is well carbonated with a creamier head than its American interpretation. The nose is somewhat hoppy, sharing the foreground with the estery character.

In the style of: Michael Shea’s, George Killian’s