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4 SRM | 28 +/- I.B.U.s | 5.0% ABV

This recipe does not include brewers yeast. We suggest Safale US-05 or White Labs WLP840
The creation of Classic American Pilsner is the result of an influx of German immigrants to this country at the turn of the 19th century who longed for the pale lagers of their homeland. The German brewers met this demand by adapting to domestic ingredients. By adding approximately 20% to 30% corn grits to their grain bill, they could smooth out some of the rougher edges from the American 6 row malt intended for Ales. This also lightened the body and imparted a distinct sweet grainy flavor. Cluster was by far the most common hop and was used for bittering. More expensive imported noble hops were used for finishing.

Unlike the American light lagers of today the Pre-Prohibition lagers had a noticeable malt/hop profile, more body, and a higher alcohol content.